Here we are at the end of another weekend. It always seems to go so fast.
Last night we watched "Criminal" with Kev.. - Kev Costner. Pretty good film. Ryan Reynolds is in it too (albeit short-lived). I am trying to build up the courage to see "Me Before You". It's based on a book of the same title by JoJo Moyes. Even now, just thinking about the story and the trailer for the film I get a bit choked up. And then, whenever I hear "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran, which is on the film's soundtrack and which features in the trailer, I am generally having to stamp my feet and puff my cheeks out to stop myself collapsing into a snot wreck. So if and when I finally watch the film I will probably be uncontactable for about a week due to the utter heartbreak of watching the story unfold. Sooooo weak. Any of you lot seen it yet???
Last week was relatively uneventful, which is fine for me and my brain. Max had a check up with his consultant and his leg is doing fine. Still a tiny bit of bone healing to do but really nothing to worry about. The next step really is to get some serious exercising going on to build up muscle definition in that leg as there's not enough there right now - especially when you compare it to his other leg. So, swimming will be the first thing on the agenda. We are very lucky to have a small (but well equipped) gym in our village with a swimming pool. It's not about the posturing and grunting that goes on in other gyms, and so as a starting place for Max it will be ideal.
Amongst the usual day to day stuff and a couple of bad head days, I did 3 product reviews for The Libbie Club (part of Glamour Magazine) and so I've decided to start putting together a web page for all things beauty. I kind of thought that for the boys who might read my blog, that sheet masks, serums and mascara may not necessarily be of much interest - unless they're looking for gift ideas for the Mrs - at which point they can have a little look on the other website specifically. I am building the page myself and so as it is a little bit more sophisticated than just a basic blog page, may take a little bit of time. But it's great to be learning something new, even if it is taking HOURS to do just one little section! I think it's all in the editing for me. I can be a bit indecisive and I really want it to look good. So having spent the last few days working on that, there's really not much else to report. By all means take a note of the web address
Men can also share in the delight of getting sheet faced |
I never heard from my consultant about my MRI results last week, so that's on my to-do list for tomorrow.
So, for now, I'm going to have my dinner and get sheet faced!
I hope you have all had a good weekend and hope that you are all healthy and happy. Thanks for popping in - see you soon. xoxo
WORD OF THE DAY: Magnanimous - Adj
Generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness
(Click and be transported back to 1988)!
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